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Moe Al Thani | ROTA
First Qatari man to summit Mount Everest and to climb the Seven Summits.
First Qatari, Mount Everest, Entrepreneur, Qatar's royal family, Mountaineer, Brand ambassador for Reach Out To Asia, Founder of, Sharjah Paintball Park, Grab n’ Go, Al Nawras Hospitality, Tamween Catering
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rotaROTA is non profit organization from Qatar works towards making quality education accessible for the underprivileged in Asia and around the globe. HE Sheikh Mohammed Al Thani is the brand ambassador and the face of ROTA in the MENA region. ”

The cause of ROTA is very close to my heart and I try to pass on the message and promote the ideology behind ROTA through each one of my expeditions, adventures, business travels as well as through my motivational addresses. Spreading awareness, raising funds and most importantly inspiring the youth to make a difference through their dreams, is what keeps me bound to the ROTA objective.

Focussing mainly on projects based in deprived and war struck countries like Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia, Iraq, Lebanon, Nepal, Pakistan, Palestine, Yemen, and now Syria, I believe in the power of the youth to bring about sustaining peace and fast paced progress in these countries, and I will do all I can to make this happen at the earliest.